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Term Dates

The Griffin Primary’s term dates are the same as other state-funded schools in Warwickshire.

At The Griffin Primary School, we align our term dates with other Warwickshire Schools. We then set 3 of our own additional teacher training days and, as an Academy, are able to select an additional training day if required. In order to support our families, we communicate with other local primary schools to do our best to match some of our school-specific teacher training days to theirs. 

Our term dates for 2024/25 are: 

Autumn Term
2nd September - Teacher Training Day (Warwickshire Wide)                                                                            3rd September - Teacher Training Day (The Griffin Primary)
4th September - Children back to school/nursery
25th October - Teacher Training Day (The Griffin Primary)                                                                              28th - 31st October - Half Term                                                                                                                   4th November - Children back to school/nursery                                                                                          23rd December - 3rd January - Christmas Holiday

Spring Term
6th January - Teacher Training Day (Warwickshire Wide)                                                                            17th - 21st February - Half Term
24th February - Children back to school/nursery
14th - 25th April - Easter Holiday

Summer Term
28th April - Children back to school/nursery
26th - 30th May - Half Term
2nd June - Teacher Training Day (The Griffin Primary)
18th July - Children’s last day at school – end of term
21st July - Teacher Training Day (The Griffin Primary)                                                                                      22nd July - 29th August - Summer Holiday 

Our term dates for 2025/26 are: 

We have yet to decide on our Teacher Training Days, however, please see below for Warwickshire's term dates: 

Autumn Term
1st September - Teacher Training Day (Warwickshire Wide)                                                                        2nd September - Children back to school/nursery
27th - 31st October - Half Term                                                                                                                    3rd November - Children back to school/nursery                                                                                          2 - 22nd December - 5th January - Christmas Holiday

Spring Term
16th - 20th February - Half Term
23rd February - Children back to school/nursery
30th March - 10th April - Easter Holiday

Summer Term
13th April - Children back to school/nursery
25th - 29th May - Half Term
17th July - Children’s last day at school – end of term
20thJuly - Teacher Training Day (Warwickshire Wide)                                                                                      21st July - 31st August - Summer Holiday